Monday, November 28, 2011

After the Holidays......

Thanksgiving turned out to be a great Holiday this year.  I was able to get my 63 year old mother to run in her first ever 5K Louisville, Colorado Turkey Trot.  She finished in just over 47 minutes doing her Couch25K Walk/Run.  Hope that everyone survived the dreaded start of the Holiday Season.  There is very little that scares me other than food during the holidays, will I have the willpower to control my eating and keep off those dreaded pounds!  This is especially important as I start my training for Ironman St. George.  Over the last few days I have had many questions about how to eat healthy during the holidays.  I will be posting some great holiday recipes for all to enjoy.  We ate entirely gluten free, sugar free, and dairy free for Thanksgiving, and none of our quests could even tell until it was all over and we told them.  So keep a look out for the upcoming recipes.  Food can be healthy and still taste good!
I will also start to host a weekly radio report on on events upcoming here in Colorado.  Check out my fellow Team MARATHON Bar member, Jennifer Vimbor's athlete nutrition podcasts and reports.   You can also check out reports on products and gear from endurance sport experts.  Be sure to check it out.

I am finally in the process of working with the Kaiser Permanente Colfax Marathon to put together a "biggest loser" marathon relay team.  Each member will be responsible for 3-6 miles depending on your abilities.  If you are interested or would like to start running, join our Couch25K program Sunday mornings at REI at Confluence Park in Denver, at 15th and Platte Streets.  Come out and join us for a fun time and learn to incorporate fitness and nutrition into your lifestyle!!!  Call or email me: or 303-828-7946

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to some great recipes. We are focusing on gluten/dairy free as much as possible, so I would welcome those. Also, I would love to participate in the relay if it works out. I live in Woodland Park (outside of Co Springs), so wouldn't be able to train up in Denver, but would be great to join somehow if it works out. Thanks!
